
International opportunities at WinNova
International activity at WinNova consists of student and staff mobilities, development projects with international and national funding, and cooperation with foreign VET providers and other partners.
WinNova is actively involved in several EU-funded projects which lead to new pedagogical methodologies and learning environment innovations as well as pedagogical competence.
WinNova has been awarded Erasmus+ accreditation (2021 – 2027) by the Finnish National Agency for Education. Erasmus+ accreditation means a quality-assured “Erasmus+ membership”. Accredited organisations have demonstrated the long-term nature of their activities and commit themselves to complying with the quality standards of the Erasmus+ programme.
For further information
IPVET – Inclusive Pedagogy in VET
1.11.2024 – 31.10.2026 – Opetushallitus – Erasmus+
- WinNova
- Graafschap College, Netherland
- IVV Sint-Vincentius vzw, Belgium
The project addresses challenges in VET education that indicate the problems the students are facing with social, mental, and physical wellbeing. New methods and technologies will be studied, tested and integrated in the learning and orientation materials of the partner schools to help the personnel to improve their skills and competences. In the long run, the project will have a positive impact on students’ inclusion and integration in VET schools and help them to complete their studies.
Primary target group is the personnel at the partner schools. Secondary target groups are students at partner schools that will benefit from the project results in the long run. By equipping VET school personnel with the tools and skills to support students’ mental, social, and physical health, the project ensures that young people are not only prepared academically and professionally but are also resilient and well-equipped to face life’s challenges.
The project consists of surveys of new methods, practices, and technology in each partner region (Belgium, Finland and Netherlands). The partners will choose the best practices that will be piloted in each partner school and analyzed using the expertise of the partners and their stakeholders. Based on the analysis, the partners will create learning and orientation material for the personnel that will be integrated in the learning environments of the partner schools. The results will be disseminated publicly.
More information: WinNova, Jonna Malmivuori, jonna.malmivuori(at)