Siir­ry si­säl­töön

On­li­ne lear­ning ma­te­rial

Eight persons group is sitting and working. They have laptops.

By comple­ting the MaTE trai­ning pro­gram­me VET-​students  get the op­por­tu­ni­ty to comple­te study mo­du­les in English and get in­ter­na­tio­nal experience th­rough stu­dying as a mem­ber of an Eu­ro­pean study group. Th­rough this experience, the stu­dents in the part­ner count­ries will im­pro­ve not only their mar­ke­ting knowledge but also their lan­gua­ge and in­te­rac­tion skills as well as their soft skills. Case com­pa­ny in­vol­ve­ment is an es­sen­tial part of MaTE trai­ning pro­gram­me and the Eu­ro­pean experience. ​

​Online lear­ning ma­te­rial of­fers re­sources and tools for imple­men­ting the MaTE trai­ning pro­gram­me. By in­ves­ti­ga­ting this out­put one gets an overview of what the trai­ning pro­gram­me par­tici­pant can learn and how she/he can learn it. Plea­se check the Thinglink in order to get fa­mi­liar with the de­ve­lo­ped lear­ning ma­te­rials.