Siir­ry si­säl­töön


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To­get­her towards ge­nui­ne di­gi­tal teac­hing and lear­ning

The teac­hing pro­fes­sions face ra­pid­ly chan­ging de­mands that requi­re new and more di­ver­se skills. In par­ticu­lar, the pro­li­fe­ra­tion of di­gi­tal de­vices and applica­tions in teac­hing requi­res teac­hers to de­ve­lop their di­gi­tal skills. We ea­si­ly think of e-​learning only as tech­nical expertise and the abi­li­ty to use di­gi­tal lear­ning en­vi­ron­ments. However, accor­ding to a study con­duc­ted for teac­hers in our educa­tio­nal ins­ti­tu­tion, the most chal­len­ging is the pe­da­go­gy of e-​learning. The aim of the pro­ject is to res­pond to the im­pro­ve­ment of the level of di­gi­tal com­pe­tence of voca­tio­nal educa­tion teac­hers and in par­ticu­lar the aim is to inc­rea­se pe­da­go­gical com­pe­tence. Su­per­vi­sing stu­dents, pro­vi­ding per­so­nal feed­back, and eva­lua­ting lear­ning outco­mes are percei­ved to be more chal­len­ging in an e-​learning en­vi­ron­ment than in class­room in­struc­tion. Im­pro­ving the qua­li­ty of e-​learning and strengt­he­ning the skills of a teac­her’s di­gi­tal gui­dance would also help reach less mo­ti­va­ted stu­dents. Bet­ter di­gi­tal skills for teac­hers will also be­ne­fit stu­dents, and th­rough inc­rea­sed and hig­her qua­li­ty on­li­ne teac­hing, stu­dents’ di­gi­tal skills will also im­pro­ve.

In this pro­ject, the way to ac­hie­ve these goals is to exchange experiences, learn from other teac­hers and learn about good prac­tice and di­gi­tal so­lu­tions for dis­tance lear­ning in other educa­tio­nal ins­ti­tu­tions, and on this basis to de­ve­lop sui­table e-​learning mo­dels that can also be used more widely.

The aim of the pro­ject is to de­ve­lop to­get­her a bet­ter pe­da­go­gical way of con­duc­ting dis­tance lear­ning and e-​learning. The pro­ject will be imple­men­ted by map­ping the ways in which dif­fe­rent educa­tio­nal ins­ti­tu­tions imple­ment e-​learning and by organizing joint workshops and on­li­ne webinars for teac­hers. Based on this col­lec­ted data and experiences, pe­da­go­gical mo­dels will be de­ve­lo­ped on how to ef­fec­ti­ve­ly imple­ment e-​learning. The pro­ject will help teac­hers to de­ve­lop their di­gi­tal skills speci­fical­ly from a pe­da­go­gical pers­pec­ti­ve and at the same time inc­rea­se their skills in using di­gi­tal tools and applica­tions. In­di­rect­ly, it also be­ne­fits stu­dents as they recei­ve bet­ter and hig­her qua­li­ty gui­dance and teac­hing.

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Pro­ject group

The pro­ject group con­sists of voca­tio­nal ins­ti­tu­tion from three Eu­ro­pean count­ries and uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sciences from Fin­land.

More in­for­ma­tion