GENUINE Digi – Together towards genuine digital teaching and learning
- Toteutusaika
- -
- Kohderyhmä
The direct target group of the
project is VET-teachers but indirectly also VET-learners will benefit from the project activities, outputs and long-term impact. - Välittäjäviranomainen
- Opetushallitus
- Rahoitusohjelma
- Erasmus+
- Toteuttajaverkostot
- Graafschap College (Stichting BVE Oost-Gelderland), Netherlands, Biotehniski izobrazevalni center Ljubljana, Slovenia, Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu, Finland, Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy WinNova, Finland
- Yhteyshenkilö
- Sköld-Nurmi Anu
Kansainvälinen hanke
The objective of the project is to increase VET-teachers’ pedagogical online teaching skills and thereby increase the digital competences of both teachers and students. It would be important that VET-teachers have the skills needed to deliver quality and inclusive education through online, virtual means. Improving VET-teachers ´pedagogical online teaching skills have the impact that VET-teachers would understand how to best incorporate digital online technology into subject-specific teaching, training and learning including work based learning. They could themselves produce ideas how to best follow-up VET-students ´competence development, how to do exams or assessment online, how to deliver inclusive online training and how to do other pedagogically meaningful operations and actions online maintaining the same quality level as in classroom situations.