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Inclusive Pedagogy in VET

IPVET is an Erasmus+-project coordinated by Finnish VET school WinNova. There are three VET schools and European countries involved: IVV (Belgium), Graafschap College (Netherlands) and WinNova (Finland).

The project addresses challenges in VET education that indicate the problems the students are facing with social, mental, and physical wellbeing. New methods and technologies will be studied, tested and integrated in the learning and orientation materials of the partner schools to help the personnel to improve their skills and competences. In the long run, the project will have a positive impact on students’ inclusion and integration in VET schools and help them to complete their studies. The project addresses the following topics: 1. Preventing early school leaving and failure in education 2. Physical and mental health and well-being 3. Social responsibility of educational institutions

The main aims and work packages of the project are:

You can find more information on these work packages by clicking the boxes below.

Project group

The project group consists of vocational institutions from three European…

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Finnish NA, Opetushallitus. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.