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Entrepreneurship first time as an official skill in EuroSkills

Suomen kilpailujoukkue poseeraa Suomen liput käsissään EuroSkills kilpailussa.

Entrepreneurship, business developement Team challenge was held the first time as an official skill in EuroSkills2023 Gdansk. The skill had a status of a demonstration skill a few times earlier. In the first official competition we had 8 teams. Originally there were 11 countries enlisted, but the skill had a slight loss of participants during the year. Nevertheless, we managed to have a great competition with excellent competitors.The skill Entrepreneurship is a team challenge with two competitors per team. 10 different and challenging modules definitely needs two persons’ brainstorming creativity during fast running days agaist the clock. The skill is very similar to the one held in Finnnish nationals. Both the techical description and arrangements at the skill area were very familiar. 8 out of 10 modules were published beforehand while experts prepared different mystery ones to be drawn on site. Also the theme for the 8 pre published modules was drawn on site so every team really had to start from scratch. Nevertheless, the substance considering the modules should have been and was well trained!

Kilpailijat esittelevät tuotettaan.

At international skill contests every country has an expert who is both a trainer before the great event and a judge during it. While we have separate judges at the Finnish skills competition Taitaja, international competitions don’t. That is importat so that a representative from every country can play a significant role during the event and spread the knowhow to their own country. In national skills events, competitors’ teachers can be trainers and ‘Chief Expert’ is responsible for all the arrangements with the deputy, except we don’t use those terms CE/DCE in Finland at our nationals.At EuroSkills2023 Gdansk Hampus Enlund and Axel Asplund were the two competitors representing the skill Entrepreneurship in Team Finland. They both had experience from Finnish nationals and trained hard for the competition. They worked in a very determined way all three days. The competition was extremely high-level and they did a fine job. This time the medals were out of the reach but competing in EuroSkills level is one kind of a medal in itself. Many thanks also to Vamia and the teachers there who participated in the training process and made the good result at this level possible.

Konsta ja kaksi kilpailijaa yhteikuvassa.

Team Finland achieved one gold, three silver, two bronze medals and nine medallions of excellence for their tremendous professional skills at EuroSkills2023. Congratulations!

Personally I was very pleased having a great opportunity to work with fellow colleagues – the other experts – from different countries. We were a great team with no weak link. I admire both the great effort our CE and DCE had made to make this skill happen and also their commitment to the skill during the event. I was inspired of the other experts’ skills, ideas and work during the competition. The skill Entrepreneurship will have a great future due to the foundation that is now set.

Konsta yhteiskuvassa toisen tuomarin kanssa.

I am honoured to announce my future role as the Deputy Chief Expert together with Chief Expert Frédéric Deola (FR) to develop the skill Entrepreneurship to be even better in EuroSkills2025 Herning, Denmark. It will demand a lot of work for us to succeed in that challenge but with Frédéric and the help from the other experts it can be done. Thanks to the jury for believing in us.

Konsta Ojanen (FI)
Expert – Entrepreneurship – EuroSkills

For a large selection of professional pictures, please visit SkillsFinland(avautuu uuteen ikkunaan, siirryt toiseen palveluun) and EuroSkills(avautuu uuteen ikkunaan, siirryt toiseen palveluun) picture galleries.

I dedicate my future role as the DCE in the skill Entrepreneurship to distinguished Skill Manager Juha Jokinen from Omnia who suddenly passed away in late July.